Terms & Conditions

"Entrant" = the young person who made the artwork

"Representative" = the person aged 18 or over who is submitting on behalf of the Entrant and is legally able to do so (e.g. parent, caregiver, guardian)

"the Organisers / us" = this includes representatives from (but not limited to) the Quarry Arts Centre, Whangarei Night Lights, Whangarei International Arts Festival and the 'WhY art' exhibition organisers

All work entered must be the original work of the entrant.

The entrant must aged between 5 and 17 as at 1st August 2023.

The artwork must have been created on or after 1st January 2023.

Entrants must be residents of Northland.


A. 2D artwork: which may include painting, drawing, ink prints, mixed media
Age sub-categories: 5 to 8; 9 to 12; 13 to 17

B.  3D artwork: which may include sculpture, clay and mixed media creations (excludes items derived from kits, e.g. Lego, hobby kits)
Age sub-categories: 5 to 8; 9 to 12; 13 to 17

C. Digital artwork:  which may include photography, digitally manipulated or created images, AI assisted images - refer to special conditions
Age sub-categories: 5 to 8; 9 to 12; 13 to 17

A young person can enter one artwork per category, up to a maximum of three entries.

Artwork will be assessed considering originality, artistic technique, creativity and presentation.  We reserve the right to change an entry between categories if in the organisers opinion the artwork does not meet the category criteria, or if the organisers believe the artwork would be more favorably assessed in a different category.

Round 1 will assess all entries submitted by 10th September 2023.  The entries will be divided into two groups.  Group 1 artworks will be invited as finalists to submit their work for exhibition.  Group 2 artworks will not be exhibited.

Group 1 finalists for exhibition must have their artwork delivered to the Quarry Arts Centre by 4pm Monday 18th September 2023.

Round 2 will assess all the exhibited finalists.  The winners and merit receivers for each category will be announced at the exhibition at 6pm on Thursday 21st September.  

All entries must be submitted with at least one photograph of the young person holding or adjacent to their work.  This is for the purpose of assisting the organisers correctly match the entry form to the artwork.  This also serves as the representative confirmation that the artwork submitted is the original creation of the entrant.

Photographs as requested on the entry form are only for the purpose of Round 1 assessment.  These photographs will not be used for any other purpose unless the work is selected as a finalist.  If a work is selected as a finalist for the exhibition, then the photograph (including the artists first name and age) may be used for promotional and publicity purposes by the exhibition organisers.  This means that images shared by us on social media may be shared by other individuals and organisations outside of our control.

If there are special circumstances which require withholding the image, name and age of the young person, you must explicitly advise the organisers which will be confirmed in writing (e.g. email) by us.

By submitting an entry form on behalf of an entrant, the representative is confirming that they have legal right to act and represent the young person.

No responsibility is taken by the organisers for online entries that are not received by the entry form close date.  You should keep a record of the entry form confirmation message.  

Any use of copyrighted material in artwork must comply with fair use or have proper permissions.

While all reasonable care will be taken, the organisers are not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen artwork during the exhibition.

By entering, participants grant us the right to display, reproduce, or use the artwork in for promoting artwork in the exhibition.

Preferably artworks are available for sale in the exhibition.  The Northland Craft Trust (CHARITY# CC25737) receives a commission of 30% of the sale proceeds.  This assists the Trust is cover operating costs of the gallery space. No other party involved in organising the exhibition receives commission.  This means that the entrant will receive 70% of the sales proceeds.  Unsold artwork must be collected at the end of the exhibition.

Artwork cannot be withdrawn during or collected prior to the end of the exhibition.

These terms and conditions may be subject to change.

 Special conditions for AI and digital art

If the young persons artwork is shortlisted for exhibition, then additional information will be requested before confirming finalists.

Originality of Concept

The digital art must originate from the young person's unique idea or concept.  If using a pre-existing AI model or tool, the young person should be able demonstrate creative input in directing or influencing the output.  We may require up to ten images showing the development of the initial concept through to final product.

Technology Used

Be prepared to provide full details of the technology, platform, or tools used to create the digital/AI art.